This workshop will be a held in collaboration between Marianne Costa (teaching the Major arcana of the Tarot), and Giulia Troni who will offer her Feldenkrais method perspective with the subject : « roots to the sky »
Our intention, knowing each other’s work from many years of collaboration, is to offer a unique opportunity to deepen both the symbolic and the embodied approach, nourishing our living existence with the Tarot’s structure, and grounding our imagination and intuition in an authentic sensory base. We might well end up with an intuitive body dancing the Tarot!
The workshop will be held primarily in English but we both also speak Italian.
About Tarot : The first Tarot decks appeared at the end of the 15th century in Italy, and were initially intended as a mere playing cards device. But their intricate symbolism stems from the late Middle-Age, a time where the spiritual path was seen as the core of human experience. Tarot evolved through the wisdom of French craftsmen into the standard known as ‘Tarot of Marseille’, the same deck that was re-discovered by the Occult movement in the 19th century as a « Book of wisdom and Magic », and constitutes the matrix of all contemporary Tarot decks. As we study its symbology and numerology, we discover a mirror of the soul and a mandala of the visible and invisible world. Reading the Tarot is not about predicting the future. It is a fantastic storytelling device that helps us answer any « What? Why? What for? How? » questions, the only questions that really matter : the ones we need to orient our heart into action.
About the Feldenkrais Method : The course is structured as a journey into the body through the study of the subtle connections existing between the different parts: from the support base of the feet to the head, passing through the centre of gravity of the pelvis, the axis of the spine and the volume of the chest. Our skeletal structure, in continuous dialogue with gravity, is given the task of supporting our intentions to move in the simplest way possible. This is how we walk, reach out to grab an object, dance or hug a loved one using our ability to support ourselves upright through skeletal alignment, and to conduct every movement according to our will. The goal of the work is to develop a sensitivity that allows the body to become more efficient, flexible and stable, aligning and integrating the emotional and mental spheres in it.
Info and inscription :