Marianne Costa and Michelle Madsen offer a three-day exploration of the Tarot and the Bouffon in Berlin this spring.
The All Fool’s Tarot Journey will be an exploration of the liberating energy of The Fool as the archetype of playful truth through Tarot constellations and embodied movement.
The Fool is the first card in the Tarot. Unschooled and innocent, he is unaware of his knowledge or unable to use it, meaning he has to rely on his powerful instincts to deal with what is immediate and present in front of him. With this freedom from knowledge, he is free to make mistakes, his energy flowing from moment to moment.
Bouffon is a French term for jester re coined by theatre innovator Jacques Lecoq in the’60s. Misshapen and misunderstood, the mocking Bouffons are musical, mystical under dogs, emerging in groups from the edges of society to speak the truths that need to be told. We will explore the Bouffon’s power to hold a mirror up to our collective and personal psyches.
The first evening of this workshop will be an introductory lecture on the Tarot given by Marianne and an introduction to the Bouffon by Michelle. The next two days will be a physical laboratory where we will explore the movement from ego to essence through embodied movement and constellation work
Dates m March 30, April 1 and 2.
Price of the workshop: Full €250 Unwaged €180
Please email Michelle to book and with any questions: madsen.michelle@gmail.comg